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Cooperative Information
Section 1: Demographic Information
1.1. Gender
1.2. Age
1.3. How long have you been a member of 1COOPHealth?
Section 2: Overall Satisfaction
2.1. How satisfied are you with the overall services provided by 1COOPHealth?
2.1.1 Please specify if you are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied.
2.2. What specific aspects do you appreciate about 1COOPHealth? (Select all that apply)
Section 3: Service Experience
3.1. How would you rate the accessibility and availability of healthcare providers within 1COOPHealth network?
3.2. Have you encountered any issues with claims processing or reimbursement?
3.3. How satisfied are you with the communication from 1COOPHealth regarding your healthcare coverage and benefits?
3.3.1 Please specify if you are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied.
Section 4: Wellness Programs
4.1. Are you aware of the wellness programs offered by 1COOPHealth?
4.2. If yes, how would you rate your engagement with these wellness programs?
Section 5: Suggestions for Improvement
5.1 What suggestions do you have for improving the services provided by 1COOPHealth?
Section 6: Additional Comments
6.1. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with 1COOPHealth?

Thank you for completing the survey. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we strive to enhance our services. If you have any immediate concerns or specific issues, please contact our customer service at

Your participation is greatly appreciated!